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Öğretmenleri,Sağlık Profesyonellerini ve Sosyal Çalışmacıları Teşvik Amaçlı Beceri Eğitimi
Ortakların (kurumsal)isimleri Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Elementary and Nursery School Teachers’ Training
Sorumlu kişi (proje için) Véghelyi Józsefné dr. dékánhelyettes
Adres Kiss János altábornagy u. 40., 1126 Budapest, Hungary
Anasayfa http://www.tok.elte.hu
zihinsel zedelenmişlik riski altındaki çocuklar ya da erken çocuklukta müdahale çalışma alanı The importance of early childhood experiences are highly emphasised in our training programmes. They include the topics of early prevention, child protection, keeping contact with families of various social backgrounds. Special module is offered on postgraduate level for those who would like to obtain a specialised diploma in these areas.
önce ya da şu andaki proje ektiviteleri The institution has taken part in several national and international projects for development. In accordance with the KID’S STRENGTH project’s objectives, the participation in the national TAMOP 4.1.2 project is outstandingly important. Content: The project is aiming at creating network for research and service activities for promoting teacher training. In it 2.1.1 sub-project: The relation of families and institutional education (schools and kindergartens). In this topic the faculty is planning to formulate a research group to investigate this with the help of pedagogical and psychological methods on the various levels of institutional education. The aim of the research is:
  • to explore the relations of the educational institutes and families of various culture; views expressed by families on schools and kindergartens and on the values transmitted by them; views expressed by teachers on education in families, and their relations to institutional education.
  • Parents’ involvement in school/kindergarten education, the institutional forms of it, the role of various programmes in forming the relations, building channels for conflict management and their operation; the operational mechanism and possibilities of parents’ volunteering in school/kindergarten tasks.
Bu kurum hakkında bilinmesi gereken başka önemli bir konu var mı? Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) of Budapest is a university with more than 370 years old traditions. Since 2000 the previously independent College of Elementary and Nursery School Teachers’ Training has been an integral Faculty of the University. On the basis of the great tradition and achievements of the ancestor institution, the Faculty is one of the most important institutions of the Hungarian elementary and nursery school teachers’ training. The main professional profiles are the four-year elementary school teachers’ training and the three-year nursery school teachers’ training. Special qualification can be completed by the Studies of ethnic German or Serb elementary and nursery school teachers’ trainings. The Faculty offers the following additional trainings too: Studies of Youth Management and the Studies of Infants’ Care and Nursery Governess. In the academic year 2010/11 the three-year graduate training of Studies of Infants’ Care and Nursery Governess will also be introduced.
Bu proje Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından desteklenmektedir. Furthermore this project has been funded by the Austrian ministery for education, arts and culture (BMUKK). © 2009-2024 by KIDS STRENGTHS Project
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