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Tréning zručností učiteľov, odborníkov v zdravotníctve a sociálnych pracovníkov

Project Meeting Helsinki

October 25-27, 2010

The 3rd project meeting of KIDS Strengths was held in Helsinki from October 25th to October 27th.

All 12 partners from 9 countries were represented at the meeting.

   Author: Manfred Pretis; last edited: 2010-10-28 15:18:25

Modules for Download!

The KIDS Strengths modules can now be downloaded as pdf documents!

Please find the preliminary list of modules below, it will be completed soon.

Download Modules

   Author: willi stadler; last edited: 2010-05-26 18:23:08

Online Counseling per E-Mail is now available!

Children and Adolescents living in the context of mentally vulnerable children can now start to use the online counseling by clicking For Kids

   Author: willi stadler; last edited: 2010-05-26 18:25:26

Tento projekt bol financovaný s podporou Európskej Komisie. Furthermore this project has been funded by the Austrian ministery for education, arts and culture (BMUKK). © 2009-2024 by KIDS STRENGTHS Project
Táto publikácia reprezentuje výlučne názor autora a Komisia nezodpovedá za akékoľvek použitie informácií obsiahnutých v tejto publikácii (dokumente). powered by