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Skill training to Empower Teachers, Health Professionals and Social Workers
As a child or adolescent you might have a lot of questions when you notice that your parents do not feel well or are sick. When the problem is e.g. about depression or a family member is drinking too much alcohol, this often becomes a secret in the family that nobody talks about.

Your worries about what is going on with your parents (sometimes this may be a mental illness of your mother or father) can cause questions and probably frighten you. If you are a child and are also depending on the care of your mom or dad things can be even more confusing. You then may have a number of questions, such as "Why is my mom or dad this way?", "Is my mom or dad actually ill?", "Will I become this way?"; and "Who will take care of me if my mom or dad is sick?"

Don't give up asking!

Send us an e-mail and we will try to answer your questions!

Please tell us, to which E-mail address we should send the answer to your question!

Of course all information and communication is private and confidential!


I am Aleksandra.
I am a doctor and I work with adults who suffer from mental illness.
I also work with their children.
Maybe you noticed at home that something might be the matter with your parents or that they behave in a strange way. You might not ask them, what is going on, or nobody gives you an answer.
Then please, write me your question.
I am here to answer your question personally and confidentially.

Yours Aleksandra
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Furthermore this project has been funded by the Austrian ministery for education, arts and culture (BMUKK). © 2009-2025 by KIDS STRENGTHS Project
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. powered by