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Tréning zručností učiteľov, odborníkov v zdravotníctve a sociálnych pracovníkov
Meno partnera (inštitúcie) Faculty Of Education. University Complutense Of Madrid
Zodpovedná osoba (za projekt) Pilar Gutiez Cuevas, Dra. Cristina Sánchez Romero
Adresa C) Rector Royo Villanova Madrid 2804
Domovská stránka http://www.ucm.es
Hlavná oblasť práce týkajúca sa včasnej intervencie alebo detí v ohrození Pilar Gutiez Cuevas
Lecturer of Universidad Complutense of Madrid since 1990.
Director of Ph D. Program since 1990: The connexion between ECI and Infant School.
Director of Early Childhood Intervention Master since 1994
Two main research projects concerning ECI in Neonatology.
12 Thesis directed (Ph D degree), concerning ECI. and Special NEEDS
President of AMPAT (Professional Association on ECI in Madrid).
Member of Disabled Children and Toddlers Commission of Madrid
Publications concerning ECI from different approaches (working with families, special education needs, ECI in Neonatology, etc.).
White Paper on ECI in Spain (English version available).
ODAT: Organization Diagnostic of Early childhood intervention
Cuevas, P. Coord, (2009).New tendences on Special Needs. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo

Dra. Cristina Sánchez Romero
PhD from the UNED. Degree in Philosophy and Education. Master in Computer Education. Associate Professor, Department of Didactic, School Organisation and Specifics Didactics. (Faculty of Education_ National Distance Education University (UNED). Academic Secretary of Master Joint Inter Educational Treatment of Diversity and Professor of the same. Research interests: Diversity Education, Competences training, teaching strategies, among others., Member of EARLY (SIG#21#). Member of Spanish Society of Pedagogy.
Predchádzajúce alebo súčasné iné projektové aktivity Current research projects: European Agency on Special Needs Education and EBIFF Project, both aims to reach a consensus in ECI professional training.
Čo je ešte dôležité a čo by mali ľudia vedieť o tejto inštitúcii The University.Complutense of Madrid has 12000 students (7.500, Educación, 2768, Medicina, 3100 Psicología, 1.911 Trabajadores sociales, etc) This project is an opportunity to improve their training.
Tento projekt bol financovaný s podporou Európskej Komisie. Furthermore this project has been funded by the Austrian ministery for education, arts and culture (BMUKK). © 2009-2024 by KIDS STRENGTHS Project
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