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Fachliche Bildung und Empowerment für LehrerInnen, ÄrztInnen und SozialarbeiterInnen
Offizieller Name der Institution Marie Curie Association
(Für das Projekt) verantwortliche Person Мария Горанова – Вълкова (Mariya Goranova – Valkova)
Adresse гр. Пловдив, бул. "Освобождение" 31, ет. 1, ап. 4
(31, "Osvobozhdenie" Blvd., fl.1. ap. 4)
Homepage http://www.marie-curie-bg.org
Hauptarbeitsgebiet(e) im Bezug auf Frühförderung und psychisch verletzliche Kinder The team of the Association has extensive knowledge of issues in relation to mentoring, informal learning, education, training and employment .Experts in different sectors are involved: management; e-learning, legislation, education and etc.
Andere Projektaktivitäten (laufend bzw. abgeschlossen) Marie Curie Association has managed and co-coordinated several international projects in the framework of Lifelong learning programme, Youth in Action, FP7, Phare etc. All those projects are in the field of setting – up mentoring schemes, ODL and e-learning, career guidance, prequalification, employment, laboured law consultancies, mentoring, networks of employers of disability, validation of non-formal and informal learning practices, education, and unemployment mostly for disabled people and services for independent living for elderly people, and all have had an emphasis on IT and web-resources, paper-based carriers, Sign language and Braille format. These projects involve more than 7 000 people per annum.
Was sonst noch wichtig ist und wissenswert über die Institution ist The MCA team has strong experience in development and maintaining of fully accessible online e-learning platform for more than 10 EU projects. It provides e-learning courses, chat, file storage, glossary, and possibility for communication among the users as well as organisation of online conferences.
Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Dieses Projekt wird weiters unterstützt durch das Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK). © 2009-2025 by KIDS STRENGTHS Project
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