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Tréning zručností učiteľov, odborníkov v zdravotníctve a sociálnych pracovníkov
Meno partnera (inštitúcie) Marie Curie Association
Zodpovedná osoba (za projekt) Мария Горанова – Вълкова (Mariya Goranova – Valkova)
Adresa гр. Пловдив, бул. "Освобождение" 31, ет. 1, ап. 4
(31, "Osvobozhdenie" Blvd., fl.1. ap. 4)
Domovská stránka http://www.marie-curie-bg.org
Hlavná oblasť práce týkajúca sa včasnej intervencie alebo detí v ohrození The team of the Association has extensive knowledge of issues in relation to mentoring, informal learning, education, training and employment .Experts in different sectors are involved: management; e-learning, legislation, education and etc.
Predchádzajúce alebo súčasné iné projektové aktivity Marie Curie Association has managed and co-coordinated several international projects in the framework of Lifelong learning programme, Youth in Action, FP7, Phare etc. All those projects are in the field of setting – up mentoring schemes, ODL and e-learning, career guidance, prequalification, employment, laboured law consultancies, mentoring, networks of employers of disability, validation of non-formal and informal learning practices, education, and unemployment mostly for disabled people and services for independent living for elderly people, and all have had an emphasis on IT and web-resources, paper-based carriers, Sign language and Braille format. These projects involve more than 7 000 people per annum.
Čo je ešte dôležité a čo by mali ľudia vedieť o tejto inštitúcii The MCA team has strong experience in development and maintaining of fully accessible online e-learning platform for more than 10 EU projects. It provides e-learning courses, chat, file storage, glossary, and possibility for communication among the users as well as organisation of online conferences.
Tento projekt bol financovaný s podporou Európskej Komisie. Furthermore this project has been funded by the Austrian ministery for education, arts and culture (BMUKK). © 2009-2024 by KIDS STRENGTHS Project
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