SINN |   |
Partners (institutional) name | S.I.N.N. Evaluation |
Responsible person (for the project) | Manfred Pretis |
Address | Lerchengasse 4c A-8054 Graz Austria |
Homepage | |
Main area of work concerning early childhood intervention or vulnerable children | Evaluation of social services, project managment in the field of early preventive services (early childhoood intervention), basic and further education in early childhood intervention, scientific support of projects, quality management and scientific consulting of social services (mobile early childhood intervention), conception of training curricula in the field of early childhood intervention (MSH |
Former or present other project activities | Evaluation of early intervention methods in Austria and internationally (Cypres, Kirgistan)
Project Coordination: Project partnership in diverse LLL projects Coordination of the current LLL project PRECIOUS ( |
What else is important and one should know about this institution | Diverse book publications on the topic Early Childhood Intervention: Pretis (2001): Frühförderung planen, durchführen und evaluieren. München: Reinhardt (Planning, implementing and evaluation early childhood intervention) Brandau, Pretis, Kaschnitz (2003): ADHS bei Klein- und Vorschulkindern. München: Reinhardt (ADHS of toddlers and pre-school children) Pretis, M., Dimova, A. (2004). Frühförderung bei Kindern psychisch kranker Eltern. München: Reinhardt. (Early intervention in children of parents with mental disorders) |